What do women really want from men on the dance floor?
Sure, you may be saying, the answer is always some shirtless Eastern European Latin dancer from TV, but let’s just say that’s not an option. Trying to figure out what women want, in general, can be a lifelong journey, but it will only take one article to pinpoint their dance needs.
Common Dance Problem: Dancing in a closed frame for an entire song is a bit like working in a windowless office. She needs air!
The Dance Solution Women Want: Turns, spins, and rotation are her windows. Who are we kidding, it’s her oxygen! So, open things up so she doesn’t leave looking for a better “view”.
Common Dance Problem: This is just like dating. The dance version of, “I don’t know, what do you want to do?” will ensure that she’ll be busy “washing her hair” the next time you ask her to dance.
The Dance Solution Women Want: You can be polite, without being shy. You are the leader. She wants to dance with someone who has a plan.
Common Dance Problem: Women want to dance, not wrestle. So be careful with the frame beefcake.
The Dance Solution Women Want: If dancing is a conversation set to music… make sure you never yell. You can be decisive, even macho, without being overly physical. A vice grip is not what she had in mind when she mentioned “a strong lead”. So hold her the way you’d hold the steering wheel of an Aston Martin.
Common Dance Problem: Being predictable on the dance floor is about as sexy as a church service.
The Dance Solution Women Want: Women are dance hackers. They can pick up your tendencies and make predictions. Changing up your dance-habits can firewall your repetoire, and have her hanging on your every move.
Common Dance Problem: Too many guys that prefer a cold beer over a hot lady.
The Dance Solution Women Want: Whether you’re brand new, or a seasoned dancer, the most important thing she wants on the dance floor is YOU – the special guy in her life. She will actually take an unmysterious, turn-a-phobic, indecisive dance version of you any day of the week, over some guy at the bar. She wants to dance! So put your umbrella drink down and get on the dance floor tough guy.
You must be present to win.
Anytime you talk with a guy who doesn't dance, he'll never sing the praises of dancing. Why should he? Yet, give that same guy the ability to dance, and he'll sing a completely different tune. So, if you've got it - use it. Even if steps 1-4 are under construction, step 5 separates you from the rest of the pack.
You have the information, now it's up to you to utilize it. Keep it up and you'll be a shirtless dancer in no time.
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