There is an Arthur Murray Dance-O-Rama® out there that fits you.
Whether it's the venue, the food, ambiance, or music - we've got the perfect solution if you can't decide what to add next to your dance event calendar.
Try The Arthur Murray Dance-O-Rama® Quiz!
Don't Forget: Share the quiz with a friend, maybe they'll join you on your dance trip!
When You're Finished
How did you do? Was it accurate? Did it capture everything about your personality, dance ability, style, and travel preferences?
If not - try it again.
If it still doesn't match, we recommend that you chat with your Arthur Murray instructor about some additions or revisions to your current Dance Calendar.
Final Thought
Even if you never imagined participating at an event like a Dance-O-Rama®, that doesn't mean that there isn't a great one, and great reason, to attend. The foundation of every Arthur Murray DOR is Dance Development, the scenery at every one is fun, with great service, and support. Finally, if you've ever wondered, "where can I use all this stuff that I'm learning", you'll have that one answered at least 100 times over.
If your style is that you love dancing, then you can't go wrong with any Dance-O-Rama® you pick.