As one year comes to an end and a new year begins, keeping your dance program running smoothly is of utmost importance.
One of the most incredible things about learning at Arthur Murray is the opportunity to enhance and enrich your life through dancing; along with that comes the opportunity to travel all over the world.
But Hularama delivers benefits before you even step foot on the Hawaiian island. Here's how putting Hula-Rama into your INCREDI-dance-plan will prevent these five things.
1. Becoming Frosty the Snowman
Thumpetty-Thump-Thump... over the hills of snow? Yikes! Wouldn't you rather dance-off to a tropical island where the sun shines on your rhinestoned Mai Tai? Sometimes what you need is an INCREDI-break from real life and the opportunity to focus entirely on your love of dancing.We decided to throw in some fantastic scenery too.
Not only will your trip to Hularama keep you on track in your dancing, but it will help you cross into the new year without getting cold-feet. Keep your dancing on fire without Frosty's magic hat, and let HulaRama be your ultimate Cross-over break - see what I did there?
2. The Grinch Who Stole Progress
Allow me to introduce you to the Grinch who steals all your progress. This Grinch loves to show its face during the holidays.It's called: time off from your dancing.
Rather than year-end deadlines and the stress that this holiday season requires, choose to de-stress and feel accomplished on a consistent basis. We all know when you have a deadline you are more likely to achieve goals and feel good about yourself. Reach those goals quicker by staying on track with your lessons and by giving yourself a Hawaiian INCREDI-deadline. The grinch who steals your progress wants you to forget your cross body lead and crash into the New Year feeling retrograded, take the upper hand with the Hula-Rama.
3. It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Tin Man
So, I need you to know that when you first started taking dance lessons you were... well... you were stiff. Your teachers have worked your butt off to teach you how to be more natural and smooth. When you initially came into Arthur Murray, what you wanted was to be able to move your body to music and not feel ridiculous or awkward.
Your teachers took on an INCREDI-task of getting your body to move in more than one place at a time. The best thing about preparing for this Dance-O-Rama is that it prevents you from taking breaks throughout the holidays.
The worst thing you can do to yourself (and your teacher) is take any time off from your dancing; what's more important is having goals to get you through to the January side of the holidays even more pliable and dance-accomplished than you stared them. Bodies, even yours, have a way of forgetting things when you don't practice them. The old "if you don't use it you lose it" mantra. Remember the Grinch (#2)? Stiffness is just not your best look.
So have a heart (see what I did there?) and let this holiday season and your improved dance plan, oil you up for Hula-Rama 😎.
4. A Blue Christmas
Let's be honest; the holidays can be depressing and stressful. Everyone has lists for the holidays: a to-do list, a to-buy list, and a wish-list. When you are busy being stressed to bless and gift to others, you become last on your list of lists. Letting all hobbies and health-related goals (physical and mental) go down by the wayside, and as a result, blue. For you literal people, blue means low in the spirits department.... and by spirits, I mean your enthusiasm for life. Many times, depression and demotivation come from derailing your personal and physical goals, or by not sticking to your plan to accomplish things that are important to you.
Hula-Rama not only prevents a lackadaisical approach to your learning throughout the holidays but will boost your morale and advancement. Double Whammy, INCREDI-do it!
5. The Holly-Jolly Waistline
Yes, with these Holly-Jolly holidays come holly-jolly waistlines. According to Huffington Post, all humans will gain weight during the Holidays. Weight gain occurs from eating more and exercising less.
Unfortunately, many people skip their vital daily activities and joys only to replace them with sugar and more calories.
When you have Hula-Rama to get prepared for, you can eat those extra calories guilt-free. What most people don't realize about preparing for a Dance-O-Rama, is your lessons and practice sessions become more fun and more focused which forces your mind and body to work a lot harder, while still having a blast. A blast like that = Weight loss. Stay INCREDI-fit by putting Hula-Rama on the menu.
Final Thought
When you have goals: health-wise, checkout-wise, or otherwise, the only way to stay on track is to stay on schedule.
You've got to make yourself do it.
I know, I know, it'll be tough to make yourself want to go on a trip to Hawaii and do something you love, but Hula-Rama will have you saying "Hau'oli makahiki hou" in no time.
This means "Happy New Year" in Hawaiian, and in the words of Maui... You're welcome.
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