Dance Advice for Humans

Was Kate Gosselin Following On DWTS?

Written by Chris Lynam | Mar 2, 2010 4:58:00 PM

Was Kate Gosselin Following on DWTS? 

Where has the time gone? 

Back in March, 2010, we posted an article on Kate Gosselin joining the cast of ABC's Dancing With the Stars and posed a common question about the celebrity mom:

Can this woman follow? 

Looking back, we realize we were not very kind in our initial assessment.  Here's a quote: 

Who Needs It Most? 

Being a powerhouse of a woman, it was tough to imagine Gosselin making the transformation into a sensitive follower.  But, in reflection, what kind of show would Dancing With The Stars be if the only celebrities dancing were "dancer-types"? 

It is safe to say that we were wrong.  Consider this a public apology.  

Walking Through 

It takes courage to walk into an Arthur Murray, or any studio for that matter.   
It can be scary. 
But just like any powerful personality on TV, there can be people rooting for, or against them.  When all is said and done, it doesn't matter if you're a C-Level executive, or a single mother of 8 kids - it takes guts to walk in for the first time and start something new.  

Consider this part two of a deluxe apology.

How She Performed

When it came time for Kate to perform, she did a heck of a job.  How many students would be willing to show off their skills to a national (or any) audience with so little time to prepare?  

Was she the best Paso Doble dancer?  No. 

Did she perform to her strengths and express herself? Absolutely

Final Thought

Sure, there were moments where Kate Gosselin, the powerful personality, came out.  There were times where her teacher, Tony Dovolani, was probably agonizing inside.

Yet, regardless of that, she lasted much longer, performed much better, and followed her teacher 4 episodes longer than this author expected her to. 


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