Dance Advice for Humans

Make the Dance "Switch"

Written by Chris Lynam | Mar 11, 2010 7:11:30 AM

Ready to Make the Dance Switch?

In their new book "Switch" authors Dan and Chip Heath explore how people from all walks of life create positive changes. They explore how students, professionals, and organizations created monumental changes; sometimes with just changing the mindset, questions, or environment. It goes into detail about how many people see themselves as "fixed", that is, incapable of making monumental change in their lives. Like your aunt who hates computers, or your grandfather that can't work the DVD player, and you can forget about explaining that blue ray something-or-other. If only they could see that you're always capable of growth.

Now think, for a second, how often we have students walk into our studios and say, "I've got two left feet, there's no way I'm going to learn" or "I'll never have any rhythm." Yet, in no time, these same people are transformed into comfortable dancers! We help people make the "Switch" every day! Arthur Murray = agent of change! Naturally, when I find a book that relates so well to our business - we train on it.

And then it hit me!!!!

While reading the book I come across a section that will forever "change" me, and give me a new goal to shoot for.

Dan and Chip Heath took salsa lessons!

Not only did they take salsa lessons, but they are from Northern California. So, let's see... I'm an insane fan of their books. They have an interest in becoming insane salsa dancers. I happen to know of a few dance studios where said authors could develop, rather quickly, in said salsa. But here's the clincher, the catalyst, the game changer....

They quit taking salsa lessons. Why? Too hard.

So now - the strategy.

One chapter of their book is titled, "Shrink the Change". Think of your first cooking class - you didn't start with Duck L'Orange or even meatloaf. It was probably eggs, over-easy... if you were advanced. By making the opening moves easy and attainable you begin to believe that you can cook. Before you know it, you're making scones with the best of them. At Arthur Murray it is no different. What the Heath brothers ran into was the common case of the non-Arthur Murray studio. The salsa teacher most likely taught too many layers, too soon, and not to mention, too many moves. The non-Arthur Murray teacher, in an effort to seem knowledgeable and cool really only alienated the students.

The Heath brothers have a story that is all too familiar. Unfortunately, people form their opinion on a subject based on their first exposure to it. The "Growth" experience they were looking for, "hey we're going to be a couple of cool salsa dancers", turned into a "fixed" mentality - "salsa just isn't for us." I'm sure there are countless other stories of the brothers Heath out there. We rescue them everyday. We can't save them all, but showing one person that their "rhythm problem" isn't permanent, is one less wallflower in the world. So this is an official all points bulletin - Heath brothers, we have the secret. We have shrunk the change. We're on a ridiculous hot streak - almost 100 years. We have the salsa you seek and it is much, much easier than you originally thought.

Ready to get started?  

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