Andrew Hart is a radio host at 96.5 KOIT, and he's adding Ballroom Dancing to his social resume. Hart is part of the "Andrew and Charley" morning show, which has a tremendous Bay Area following, but learning to lead is what's on schedule at Arthur Murray.
AML: OK, so as a radio personality, I'm sure you've been asked to do some crazy stuff over the years, how does taking dance lessons compare?
AH: I've definitely done some pretty crazy things! This is by far one of the most unique opportunities I've had put in front of me. Although I've taken dance lessons before back in high school for Swing Choir, it has been years, and I think it took something like this to remind me how fun it is to get out on the floor!
AML: Swing Choir! That's awesome. So, based on that, can we safely assume that you were nominated for this dance lesson/radio station collaboration?
AH: This was actually something that, initially, put me out of my comfort zone a bit, and I like that. I'm always looking for a challenge and this was definitely something that wouldn't be on my top 3 list of extra curricular activities. With that said, I'm really glad I took the campaign on and I'm learning a LOT, and I'm becoming much more comfortable, too.
AML: We always find that when our students feel comfortable, they'll tell a few people about their dance lessons. Who was the first person you told, outside of work, that you were doing this?
AH: I called and told my Mom - she loved it! She really enjoys dancing at weddings, and since my brother is getting married in September, she now has a new dance partner!
AML: Very cool. Just so people don't think you're a dance-trained ringer, can you describe how you felt going into your first dance lesson?
AH: I was definitely nervous. In all honesty, I'm a bit of an introvert, so if I don't have to be "on", then I'm usually really quiet, reserved and don't like drawing attention to myself. So ultimately, I felt out of my comfort zone during my first lesson, but after that, I started to feel more and more comfortable on the floor, every lesson!
AML: Let's say we can make you an awesome dancer (and we can); Is there a place, outside of your brother's wedding, where you could use these new dance skills?
AH: The handful of annual galas I attend/host throughout the year..
Want to see how well Andrew is doing? Check this new and improved Tango Video.
AML: OK, now let's get weird. Now you've got a Dolorean time machine and you can go back and redo something from your past, but with Dance Skills. Where do you go, and how does it all work out?
AH: Definitely the Illinois State Dinner at the Governors Mansion. Barack and Michelle were showing everyone up on the dance floor (Pre-Presidential Run). He challenged me to a dance-off after I beat him on the golf course the day before. He definitely won.
AML: Freaking out about that answer. That story definitely needs its own feature, reenactment, and possbily some professional courtroom sketch artists. So, now it's a KOIT office party, and there's a dance off. Outside of you, who are a couple people that could get their groove on?
AML: Everything we've read about you talks about your hard work, and also your commitment to charitable endeavors, adding ballroom dancing may turn you into a Renaissance Man superhero. Are you up to that challenge?
AH: Ballroom Dancing chops would definitely be a killer skill to add to my resume and I'd love that.
AML: OK, last question, what is something more people should know about learning how to dance?
AH: Anyone can do it! If you take it step-by-step (no pun intended) your muscle memory will kick in and you start to dance - it's really cool how it starts to come together!
Andrew is a great example for so many guys out there. He's a sports fan, loves great food, and, most importantly, he's up for an adventure. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Mr. Hart as he continues his Arthur Murray dance transformation.
Are You Ready for a little Dance Adventure? Find Your Dancer today with a Free Private Lesson at Arthur Murray