5 Rapid Growth Areas for New Bronze Dancers
First things first, congratulations! If you're reading this and you've just started your new Arthur Murray Bronze program, welcome to the best social dance program in the world.
In the words of the famous philosopher, Obi Wan Kenobi, "you've just taken the first step into a larger world." This article is designed to introduce you to five rapid growth areas you can expect as a dancer.
So without further delay, let's (rapidly) get into the list.
1. Dance Moves!
Oh yeah. Two words that act your secret password to gain access to any wedding reception, nightclub, dinner dance, or reunion dance floor. Saying you'll learn dance moves on your Bronze program sounds like saying you'll learn how to cook at culinary school.
In both cases, there's a process baked beneath the outer crust.
But yeah, you'll learn plenty of dance moves. The technique you learn will add to their shelf-life. If the dances moves are "the what", your technique will be "the how", and all will be part of your Bronze program.
2. Talking While Dancing
This might not seem like such a big milestone until you consider this: How long did it take before you could drive a car and have a conversation at the same time? These days, you can probably eat a salad, change your shoes, and carry on a conversation about chess while driving.
This talking and dancing milestone doesn't require anything more than keeping your private lessons close together and conversational. Through the course of your lessons your teachers will ask you questions, and while it may seem like a struggle initially, answering them will quickly become an automated multitasking request for your brain.
The result is a dance floor demeanor that adds years of experience points to even the newest of dancers.
3. Dance Timing
One of the most incorrect assumptions about dancing is that you have to be "born with rhythm." Which would be like telling a baby that they have to be "born with language", or that accountants have to be "born with calculators" (this last one might actually be true).
Without going into a lot of detail, let's just say this: Anyone can learn if they are taught. Timing in dancing is the words of a language, the rhythm is the pronunciation. We have successfully taught both for over 100 years, so you're in good shape.
Your Bronze program is like a built in music appreciation program. Timing will develop in your first level and Rhythm will come along in level two... regardless of what the "born with rhythm" people may say. The rapid growth in this area can accelerate with consistent private lessons as well as dancing at the studio practice parties.
4. Fun
Okay, this might seem incredibly obvious, but we can't leave this out. It doesn't take long at all to see how much fun it is to learn how to dance. As a new Bronze dancer, you understand that all the discomfort you've ever experienced by avoiding dancing is washed away in the first five minutes of your first lesson.
Questions like, "will I be the only bad dancer?" or "what happens if I step on someone?" are replaced with questions like, "what am I going to learn next" and "hey, do you want to dance?"
Learning to dance is fun. Not just because of the endorphins rewarding you for your effort, it's also disproving any of the negative thoughts you've had about dancing until this point. Call it fun, or call it cathartic, your Bronze program is a standing appointment for stress relief and smile therapy.
5. Confidence
In this mini series of rapid progress milestones, we can't overlook confidence. Whether it's having the physical confidence in your dance skills, or the social confidence that is a positive byproduct of the hobby, the confidence you gain on a Bronze program is, without question, life changing.
The professionals at Arthur Murray have been a part of enough positive life transformations to make a producer on a home makeover show envious. As many in the company love to say, "we are in the business of changing people's lives, and dancing just happens to be our tool."
on the dance floorDance Moves and technique will dramatically change the dancer you are, but the confidence you acquire can positively change the person you are.
Final Thought
As with any new adventure, you're blazing the first trail toward a dance hobby. Fortunately for you, you're not doing it alone. Aside from the wonderful teachers, managers, and staff at your local Arthur Murray studio, the curriculum is a map that has been tried and true for so many dancers before you.
The success you are looking for gets closer after each lesson. Stick to your map, listen to your guide, and we're certain you'll enjoy every step of this new dance adventure.