Your local Arthur Murray Dance Studio decorated from top to bottom and your teacher dressed as a Star Wars character. This is a typical Friday during the Arthur Murray Festival. Here we tackle some common questions new Arthur Murray students may have about this popular event.
What Is The Arthur Murray Festival?
What Is It?
A 6 Week activity competition between Arthur Murray schools of similar size all around the world. This competition between studios serves as a ratings contest to determine which studios have the most activity and participation.
The final results of the festival are shared at the end of the competition with staff competing for awards in the New Student Specialist, Instructor, and Executive categories.
There is a Top Studio category as well and all awards are handed out at a large banquet for Arthur Murray professionals twice a year.
To make it even more exciting, the students receive extra perks and prizes for their participation and earn points that they can exchange for Arthur Murray prizes and experiences.
Think of this like:
Spirit Week in High School meets Sweeps week on network television.
What Happens?
Each festival has a different theme. For example, in the Fall/Winter Festival of 2019, the theme is "Festivals Around the World". Each week a different theme party is held for the students. There are games, costumes, and prizes for the best costume or potluck item.
Think of this like:
The "Best Of" and "Most Likely" awards that you won in school combined with holiday shopping on Black Friday.
Why Do It?
When Arthur Murray Dance Studios first began to open, they were located primarily on the east coast. Many studios would close for weeks at a time due to extreme weather.
The Spring and Fall festivals were started to boost activity, and keep the doors open, in the studios... and the tradition stuck. So today, even with heating and air conditioning, the tradition continues as a great boost in school spirit and dance activity.
Think of this Like:
Going to summer camp. You discover a new network of friends, new things about your current friends, and the change of scenery gives you a new perspective on things.
Are you ready to give dancing a try? Whether you're wanting to learn with someone special or just for yourself, you can start with a free private lesson to see why Arthur Murray has been the leader in ballroom dance instruction since 1912.