The Day After Your Dance Event
Imagine, if you will, you’re a part of a team that makes a scientific breakthrough. Everyone celebrates, you throw a big party… and go on vacation.
Is there a danger in that?
Now imagine, if you will, you’re a part of a team that makes a dance breakthrough. You work hard, you attend a big dance event…. and go on vacation.
We have all allowed ourselves to celebrate, only to mentally approve of a post-event drop in momentum. Whether it's that cheat day in your diet that turns into 3, the physical vacation that turns into a mental sabbatical even when you're back at work, or finishing your first dance competition... and celebrating by canceling your dance lessons for the next week.
Apparently, us humans like to celebrate stuff, and quit doing other stuff... even if that stuff is good for you. The trick, is what to do about it.
Here are 5 ideas that can preserve your dance progress after your Dance Event.
1. Building Instead Of Rebuilding
Do you know that it takes more work to recover your dance material than to build on what you’ve already started?
It's the dance equivalent of the expression "strike while the iron is hot", or why you would always prefer freshly brewed coffee over something you need to reheat in the microwave.
When you stay in build mode, even when your event has finished, it prevents you from having to rebuild much of what got you there.
The Trick: As tough as this may seem, keep the same schedule you set the week before your event.
The Perks: Your progress continues to trend upwards. You can make the Natural Use Stage in your dance development part of your muscle memory, but only if you build. If not, the progress tapers off, and can begin to revert back to your pre-event behavior.
For more on this, read: Dance Progress Explained - The Arthur Murray Curve of Learning
2. Finish The Transitions
There may have been something that was nearly there, say 75%, at the showcase. For some reason or another, it was developed enough to perform, but not completely to how you would have liked. This is part of the growth process - and this is the week to let your teacher finish the job.
The Trick: Your "dance brain" can sometimes get stuck in "Pass/Fail" mode. The trick here is to let your teachers elaborate on what was nearly there, so you don't get caught labeling it as "not there".
The Perks: Attempting the dance maneuver in public was the hard part. The refining of that maneuver, while it is fresh, is the easy part.
3. Schedule Your Consultation
Somewhere in the 100 year history someone with a lot of potential took a vacation and never came back. So someone came up with the post-event critique, and we still have them today.
This happens when you meet with an Arthur Murray consultant for a special 15-20 minute appointment, they will give you feedback about how things went, and a strategy for what to do next in your dance program. Call it a Consultation, a Critique, Feedback, or the greatest idea for keeping your dance progress going even when you come back from a showcase, graduation, or competition.
For more on this, we recommend reading "16 Ways To Utilize A Dance Coach".
The Trick: Everyone that participates in an Arthur Murray dance event will have an appointment with an Arthur Murray consultant. The trick is to show up to it.
The Perks: Does your "dance-brain" ever go evil on you? A dance consultation with an Arthur Murray consultant can eliminate the tired monologue of an evil dance brain.
4. Focal Points
There is nothing wrong with making a checklist of things you wish you could have done at the event. This is healthy. It means you're not complacent and you want to be better. What could make this negative, however, is to go to any extremes:
- Negative Self Talk/Critiquing yourself
- Bottling things up
- Pass the blame on your teacher, music, dance floor, barometric pressure
The Trick: Communication is key. Talking to your teacher, an Arthur Murray consultant, or the management can really help. You must talk to someone who can help you through this, or you may end up talking yourself right out of a life-changing activity.
The Perks: Often times, we don't realize the priority of what we should be worrying about. Talking to an Arthur Murray professional will make sense of that, and eliminate unnecessary worrying.
For more on this, read: "31 Things Dance Judges Want To See You Do"
5. Capitalize on Momentum
In the “medical breakthrough” scenario, this is the most critical step.
Capitalizing on momentum is so easy when we are doing things we love - whether that's reading a great book, or binge-watching an entire season of Game of Thrones - we wouldn't dare break that momentum when it's going so well.
So why stop in your dancing?
The Trick: For your dance progress, it is the same thing.
The event built up your confidence, dance ability, and ability to retain dance skills to a level that you’ve never been to before. When you see your event like it's the mountain you've just climbed, you may want to celebrate and postpone dance learning.
When you see your event as the first stage in a larger plan, you act on the momentum, you see the event success as proof of progress, and you allow momentum to take you right into your next objective.
The Perks: Progress is great, but building on that progress, accelerating into the next stage in your development, and discovering a new version of yourself is a whole lot better.
Final Thought
The Old you, before showcase, doesn’t like all this momentum. The old you wants to take a break, go on vacation, and hope the pieces fall back into place when you return. It’s so much easier to build your dancing, than to rebuild it.
So let’s send your old you on vacation, heck, put that version of yourself on an indefinite leave of absence.
The new you wants to build, go beyond, and make the most of this dance breakthrough.
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