Arthur Murray Live Wedding Dance Tips

Terms like "Doom" are never fun when it comes to a day as special as your wedding.  But, then again, if that doom can be prevented, we'd rather equip you early than let you wait and see. 

Posted by Chris Lynam on September 13, 2018

31 Things Your Wedding Dance Teacher Wants to See You Do

It's a big deal.  We get it.  

Yes, it will be the biggest and fanciest party you've ever thrown, but that doesn't mean it should be the most stressful. So here are 31 things to keep your first dance fun, less stressful, and your wedding dance teacher from having a premature heart condition.  

Posted by Chris Lynam on February 22, 2017

Just to be clear, we've got solutions.  

Posted by Chris Lynam on January 7, 2017

Sometimes, there are wedding nightmares that are unavoidable.  

Natural disasters, a missing member of the bridal party, or a nationwide strike by wedding DJ's - it's hard to prepare for those unexpected wedding mishaps.  

Posted by Chris Lynam on October 25, 2016

3 Ways to Distinguish Your Wedding Dance from Your Wedding Plans

Okay, okay, we know... you're busy, you're stressed, and there's a big clock ticking away towards the biggest party you've ever planned.  

Posted by Chris Lynam on October 10, 2016

Think for a second of all those poor, helpless, Newlywed, YouTube video’d Wedding dance routines that all went wrong.

Posted by Chris Lynam on August 10, 2016

Aside from wearing matching outfits, and a couple of toasts, your bridal party can easily slip into the general color scheme of your wedding reception.

Posted by Chris Lynam on June 7, 2016

You carry them down the aisle, they adorn your groomsmen's suits, and your flower girl tosses them everywhere. 

Posted by AMadmin on March 31, 2016