A dance party can be a great place to practice your skills, if you take the right approach.
The key to social dancing is building the ability to dance with anyone, to any music, anywhere in the world. The practice parties at Arthur Murray are the key component to developing your confidence in a supportive, supervised environment. Utilizing this list will lay the basic groundwork necessary for dance party skills at Arthur Murray, or anywhere else you take your dancing.
10 Tips For Good Dance Party Manners
1. Ask & You Shall Receive!
Don’t be afraid to ask anyone to dance at parties, even if you are a follower. When asked to dance, try to accept every time; this makes us all better dancers and builds confidence.2. Let the Leaders Lead and the Followers Follow.
Stick to your own role on the dance floor regardless of who you’re dancing with. Everyone will become a better dancer when they can practice their part.
For more information on Leading and Following, we recommend "What Is Leading and Following in Ballroom Dancing?"
3. Nothing Says, “Sorry,” Like Saying, “Sorry.”
Accidents on the dance floor are inevitable, so apologize if you bump into someone - even if it’s not your fault. “Oops, pardon us!”4. Be Appropriate.
No one wants to dance with someone who makes them uncomfortable, so use respectful language, and be mindful of your partner's personal space.
For more on this, we recommend "49 Steps To Great Ballroom Dance Etiquette"
5. Altoid Anyone?
Having fresh breath will not only save you from the embarrassment of being the person at the party that no one wants to dance with but it's also a courteous gesture for everyone who gets close to you.6. A Little Deodorant Goes a Long Way.
The last thing anyone wants is to offend their dance partner with body odor. So bust out your favorite cologne,perfume and deodorant!7. Don’t Leave Your Partner Stranded.
After each dance, lock arms with your partner and escort her off the floor. No one wants to be left stranded in the middle of a dance floor alone!8. Middle Ground is Safe Ground.
The middle of the floor is usually safest and less congested than the edges. So if you or your partner is new to dancing, keep to the middle of the floor to avoid accidents.9. Thank You, Come Again!
Any great dance partner says thank you after every dance because it encourages their dance partners to come back for more.
For more dance partner ideas, we recommend: "7 Things Your Dance Partner Needs To Hear You Say"
10. Have Fun!
If you aren’t having fun on the dance floor, chances are your partner isn’t either. So let loose! Smile and have some fun!
Recommended Read: 10 Essential Practice Party Tips for New Dancers
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