There are moments when that voice in your head is absolutely perfect.
It reminds you to wake up five minutes before your alarm goes off. It assures you that your presentation at work has been prepared, rehearsed, and is ready for the world to hear. It's the voice that sees your reflection in the mirror, reminds you that you look like a million bucks, and gives you the final dose of self confidence to make you smile and wink at yourself.
Then there are days when that voice isn't quite so perfect.
The days when the voice accesses the failure achrives in your brain. The days when the voice reminds you of the perimeters of your comfort zone. That version of the voice, the opposite of the motivational speaker, will tell you that dance lessons are for people other than you.
Oh, and group classes? Forget about it. Off the menu, not going to happen... no way.
Don't Believe These Arthur Murray Group Class Myths
We like to say, "when communication goes down, speculation goes up"... so let's communicate just what will, and will not, happen at an Arthur Murray Group Class.
Class Levels
False: "You're going to be the newest person in the class."
Truth: Class Levels are separated
Each group class you attend will be divided by the level you are currently in. While this may seem fairly obvious, it's an important fact to remember if that "little voice" starts acting up.
From Newcomers attending their first ever group class, all the way to Gold level, there is a class for everyone.
Partner Requirement
False: "Don't bother showing up unless you have a dance partner."
Truth: You can learn with, or without, a dance partner
There are plenty of great reasons to learn to dance with a partner, there are just as many to learn on your own. That doesn't change whether it is a private lesson or group class, regardless of the dance.
Lots of People Around
False: "You can't learn when there's a bunch of people all around."
Truth: Personalized Instruction is our thing... even in groups
Since the group classes are divided by level, that keeps class sizes at a point where the teachers can engage in a more direct fashion with the students.
Passing Judgment
False: "People are going to sit and critique you."
Truth: The teachers focus on the students, the students focus on the teachers
Similar to that feeling (that voice) when you walk in to the gym for the first time, it can seem like everyone is sizing you up, assessing your worth, and deeming you unworthy. The reality is that students are there to learn more about dancing, and will support those with the same spirit.
There will be people there to observe and assist you - the instructors. Their goal is to help you acquire the information in the quickest and easiest way possible so you enjoy the experience.
Primary Learning
False: "Group Classes are the best way to learn dance"
Truth: Group Classes work in tandem with your Private Lessons and Practice Parties
In the article, Should I Choose Private Lessons or Group Classes, we explored how these two activities are designed to work together at Arthur Murray. Your private lessons will always be the primary source for your individual development in your dance program, but group classes are there to add context and consistency to what you are learning.
False: "There must be something wrong with you if you're nervous."
Truth: Nervous is Normal
Taking a group class can be scary the first time. A fear of the unknown is just basic human nature, and not a unique problem anyone should question their new hobby over. The great thing is that this environment is not altogether new if you think about it.
You have probably taken your first introductory lesson already.
This means that you have been to the studio, you know at least one teacher, and the content will match what you've learned so far. Not to mention, you'll be in a group of other Arthur Murray students who are either feeling, or have felt, exactly what you're going through.
Final Thought
Truth be told, you probably wouldn't have even taken your first step into Arthur Murray if it hadn't been for that inner voice. Maybe it was tired of seeing you turn down opportunities to go dancing, or knew deep down that this was the thing that could help you take the edge off from work.
You've got to admit, that voice has a positive track record outside of the occasional freak out when it comes to new things like group classes.
Let's hope this helped.
If you have yet to take your first step into an Arthur Murray Dance Studio, the best way to get started is to contact us about a free lesson. You'll be dancing within 5 minutes, and you can experience why Arthur Murray has taught the world to dance since 1912.