If your birthday isn't September 7th or 8th, don't worry. There's still hope for your dancing.
Then again, you may need to work extra hard to end up as an Arthur Murray legend. There seems to be a strong astrological correlation between September 7th-8th and Arthur Murray elite. Here are some examples.
Name: Vicki Venka
Birthday: September 7th
Background: As one of the most distinguished Arthur Murray consultants in the company's history, Venka has been with the company for over 50 years, has administered professional certification exams to many distinguished people within the company, and has been to more showcases, Medal Balls, and Dance-O-Ramas than you, your teacher, and a 100 of their Arthur Murray colleagues.
Name: Urs Geisenheimmer
Birthday: September 7th
Background: Aside from performing on Dancing With the Stars, working as a traveling consultant, and International Ballroom Competitor; Urs also shares the 9/7 birthday. While he has retired from competitive dancing, and reduced his consulting schedule, Urs pours his September 7th Dance Magic into the two San Diego area Arthur Murray Dance Studios he owns with his wife.
Name: Augusto Schiavo
Birthday: September 7th
Background: Augusto has had a few dance accomplishments in his life. You know, nothing major, just being the 2 time World Ballroom Champion... stuff like that. This September 7th born Dance Legend will undoubtedly have a statue erected in his likeness, or have a town outside Palermo named after him. For now, he's a Father, Husband, has opened over 10 Arthur Murray Dance Studios in Italy, and runs the Ciao Amore Dance-O-Rama every July. Molto Bene!
Name: Bob Powers
Birthday: September 8th
Background: Bob, and his wife Julia, are the most successful competitive dance couple in Arthur Murray, and the United States. As 12 time United States Champions, Bob and Julia Powers created a level of dominance in their sport that few dancers, or any American sports team, could potentially match. Today, Bob is a retired competitor, a recently retired dance consultant, and now a full fledged Arthur Murray franchisee. His status as a dance legend has long been secured, and now he works to pass that torch on to his staff.
Final Thought
There are fantastic Arthur Murray Dance Legends within the worldwide organization, even without a September 7th or 8th birthday. As much as we could make a case for turning these two days in September into a National Dance Holiday, there is another birthday that is more important. Your dance birthday. Sometimes referred to as your "Danceiverssary", this is the day when you first stepped foot through the front door and took your first Arthur Murray dance lesson.
Even if you don't win the titles, become a judge, or dance on TV like these folks, that day was the day you became a dancer... and we think that's pretty legendary.