There's never a perfect time to have kids, go on vacation, or take dance lessons. In fact, it's very rare that people have an event in their life, and immediately decide "I really think ballroom dancing could be the solution."
Understandably, we're here to offer some ideas.
The Best Times to Take Ballroom Dance Lessons
Office Party
Unfortunately, if you're like most Americans, an Office Party reveals a side to your coworkers that is difficult to un-see. This is why we suggest you take a buy low, and sell high on the old Office shin-dig. That's right, with a few dance lessons you could corner the market, and shares of your office stock may be a new emerging sector that the big shots take note of.
Dance Suggestions: You could, theoretically, survive an entire office party on the dance floor with Foxtrot, Swing, and Rumba. Then again, you're not there to just cling on for dear life, so you might as well add in some Salsa, Cha-Cha, and Tango.
Suggested Reading: Win the Holiday Party Season with Ballroom Dance Lessons, 3 Business Books Every Ballroom Dancer Must Read, and The Beginner's Guide to Dance Lessons
Weddings are designed to be memorable, and for that reason alone, this is an easy choice for getting started with dance lessons. Whether you're attending as a guest, part of the bridal party, or a parent of the soon-to-be-wed, treat this occasion as a fun deadline for getting your dancing ship shape.
Dance Suggestions: Listen, if the Waltz worked well enough for Don Corleone (pictured above), it should suit you just fine. Next, throw in a little Foxtrot, Swing, Merengue, and Rumba so your wedding reception game doesn't end up sleeping with the fishes.
Suggested Reading: 5 Wedding Dances for the Parents of the Bride or Groom, Wedding Dance 101, and Biggest Wedding Dance Trends of the Last Year
Work Cycle
You may be in the midst of a work marathon, without a recharge station. Sure, you may have had a few hours of sleep here and there, but socially speaking - the cupboard is bare.
Dance Suggestions: Go for dances with some instant social appeal like Salsa, Bachata, Swing, and Merengue. Create an alter-ego outside of work with dances like Tango and Waltz, and any new socialite needs dances that are slow enough for a nice conversation, like Foxtrot and Rumba.
Suggested Reading: 6 Things Dancers Do to Anger Corporate America, 6 Myths About Dance Classes, and 49 Steps to Ballroom Dance Etiquette.
Remodeling Your Date Night
Free breadsticks were cute when you were in high school, but if your date night has been singing the same song, then it's time for a new dance.
Dance Suggestions: Tango will make you feel like you've replaced the love of your life with a secret agent. Salsa will earn you some street cred with any other couples you know. Rumba should be how you solve problems forever, but with all this dancing.. that may take a while.
Suggested Reading: Dance Lesson Escape Plan for Busy Parents, 5 Ways to Convince Your Man to Take Dance Lessons, and 10 Agreements to Improve as a Dance Couple
Final Thought
Dancing may strike, like a thief in the night with a YouTube account, and it's always out there. The trick is to treat it like insurance. It wouldn't be advisable to wait until a disaster to buy insurance, and the same can be said for dancing. As with any type of insurance, you've got to be aware of the signs, the signals, or the advice.
Kind of like the list we gave up above.
There may never be a perfect time to start dancing, just like there's never a perfect time to buy insurance, but as soon as you do you'll realize one thing - you'll never wish that you had waited longer to do it.

Image Credit: The Godfather, Office Space, Date Night