Believe it or not, knowing how to dance is a huge social advantage.
There are some people who always seemed to have known that - Hello ladies. While there are others who are just starting to see this skill as a viable option - Hey dudes.
Why the wait?
Unfortunately, over the years, an "unmanly stigma" was attached to dancing. Regardless of the countless amount of cool dudes who have shown otherwise, the guys on the dance floor tide is finally changing for the better.
While the collective efforts of movies and TV shows like Dancing with the Stars has made a huge difference in the male student demographics in dance studios around the globe, there are still some stuck on the fence.
This article is for those people.
5 Reasons Why Guys Should Take Ballroom Dance Lessons
Note: This is not an activity you should share as a casual idea to your guy friends. This is, however, the kind of idea that you should absolutely share with everyone that is not a guy. Period.
1. You are Cooler.
Let’s take a quick inventory of your hobbies, how many of them – and let’s be really honest here – really make you cooler? We aren’t talking “cool” like, “that new first person shooter is so cool”. We are talking about stuff that makes the people you’re trying to impress (aka “the chicks”) think of you as “cool”.
Dancing does that. Mention that you’re a Tango dancer and the eyes of the listener will not roll (first person shooter), they’ll widen, she’ll smile, and then a conversation will emerge focused entirely on how much cooler you are.
2. How do You Ask?
- In junior high – you were afraid to ask
- In high school – you asked your girlfriend, stayed home, or made fun of the people dancing
- In college – you went to clubs, drank, and gyrated with someone without saying anything
- Now what?
Knowing how to dance gives you the confidence to extend a hand and actually ask the question, “would you like to dance?” You are no longer a dancing undergrad.
3. Have More (Human) Friends
As nice as it is to troll over your social media accounts in search of new people you’ll never meet, ballroom dance lessons constantly put you in a vibrant social atmosphere. Learning dances like Foxtrot and Rumba give you the ability, very quickly, to talk and dance at the same time.
So while your buddies are connecting to their WiFi connection looking for more friends, you’ll be busy connecting with real people while dancing.
4. Crack the “Healthy” Security System
Why is it that every pro athlete on Dancing With the Stars (including Mr. Fitness – Jerry Rice) all say that dancing got them in the best shape of their life? Well, if you didn’t know already, dancing is a social activity, that happens to be great exercise.
You see, dancing slips under the exercise security system that your brain is monitoring. It (dancing) has instant security clearance. Why? Each time you dance, your brain passes the activity through because it is registered as: fun, creative, strategic, and social… unlike that brand new, dusty treadmill in everyone’s garage.
5. Up Your Game
It’s like a scent, and more cologne won’t help. Dancing gives you a layer of confidence that your wardrobe, drink options, and pickup lines just can't replace. We even asked dating experts, and they agreed - knowing how to dance makes a big social difference.
Knowing how to dance keeps you on the dance-floor, making dance-friends, and working really hard to hone some skills with your dance-moves.
Coincidentally, this keeps you too "dance-busy" to resort to pickup lines and other average tactics - which only adds to your competitive advantage.
Final Thought
Having a reason is the fuel that will get your dance skills to your ultimate goal. It’s the backstory, the motivation. It’s all the reasons why you pulled for Rocky, the Karate Kid, or that team on Hoosiers. Your very next step is to do what gets you the closest to the action.
Take a lesson. Let the professionals put a strategy together based on your backstory and goals.
Do you hear it? Your training montage music just started playing.
Click the link, give it a test run, and make your decision on first hand information. You'll be dancing within 5 minutes of showing up.