Ever go to summer camp? Every year my mother heard the same complaint “I don't want to go…”
I was scared.
Nevertheless, I'd wave goodbye to my Mom, and any nervousness I was experiencing would wear off before the van hit the freeway. By the first pit stop at a fast food place, my brain would have completed erased any record of apprehension from the hard drive in my head.
I was settled in.
Dismantle the Barriers to your First Dance Lesson
The Dance Angle
We are built for self preservation. This means that we will commonly avoid things that seem to present some type of threat to our well being. For the record, unknown things tend to fall into that category. This includes Dance Lessons.
Yes, even something as harmless as a dance lesson includes enough risk to make anyone's fight or flight instincts kick in. It's just part of our physiology. So here are some solutions for getting settled in, and on the dance floor.
What's Your Story?
Maybe you had a horrible experience at a company party. Perhaps you fizzled under pressure during a money dance at your buddy's wedding, or you just want to dance at a Salsa club instead of sampling every Margarita on the menu. Whatever the narrative, ask yourself if it's worth the momentary risk of walking in for your first lesson.
Hint: It always is.
First Hand Experience
It's easy to tell people about stuff you want to do, are interested in, or researching. Doing that, however, could just give you more leeway to postponing your actual lessons. In favor of, you know, all that research.
Tip: Most dance studios will offer a Free Introductory Lesson. Schedule an early afternoon appointment, even if it's just on your lunch break at work. This will give you less time to avoid it, and everything is less scary when the sun is still out.
Eliminate the Noise
You may be up against a lifelong myth about your ability to learn how to dance.
- "I was born with no rhythm"
- "It's not culturally acceptable."
- "I'm not coordinated."
You may be up against negativity from people around you.
- "Someone your age shouldn't be dancing."
- "Don't you have better things to do?"
- "Where are you ever going to find someone that knows that stuff?"
Tip: To aid in your progress in this area, we offer these convenient, myth busting, noise reducing, dance hate silencing articles to silence the critics.
Consider the Benefits
Okay, let's get real. You will learn how to dance. It's about as sure a thing as a Game of Thrones episode having a swordfight, dragon, or scene not suitable for children. The real benefits are the ones that go beyond the skill of dancing.
- Exercise
- Increased Happiness
- Improved Social Skills
- Adding a Social Superpower to your Online Dating profile
- Balance, Grace, Poise, and Coordination
Tip: Even if you are completely convinced that you're incapable of learning how to dance, you can still try out the lessons in search of an alternate form of exercise, or an instant social skills upgrade.
Final Thought
Whether it is going to camp, signing up for ballroom dance classes, or going out on a first date there is one consistent truth: Your body will fight against it. Then again, your greatest moments in life up until this point probably occurred somewhere beyond your comfort zone. Whether it was the lifelong friend you made at a camp you didn't want to go to, the partner you love on a date you nearly canceled, or even a hobby that has changed your life on a lesson you thought you'd never schedule.
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." - Neale Donald Walsch
A goal is just future regret until you take action. We hope this article inspired you to do just that. Spend 45 minutes of your time and we know you'll discover something that will positively impact your life.