Arthur Murray Live Wedding Dance Tips

plan-your-first-wedding-dance-2When it comes to your wedding, it's never too early. 

Your first dance can immediately change your wedding day, create a lasting experience, and pave the way for future dance parties and dates nights. 

If you start early. 

Get A Head Start Planning Your First Dance

The following is a guide on what you need, and what you don't need, to get a head start with your first dance. Here we go, your early start begins now.  

3 Things You Need To Start Your Wedding Dance Lessons

1. 45-90 Minutes 

Our first wedding consultation is 45 minutes.  You'll get an introduction to the secret sauce of what has made Arthur Murray the leader in dance instruction:  The Teaching System. 

Bottom Line:  Within the first five minutes of your appointment, you and your fiance will be moving together, and eliminating any negative ideas you had about your ability to learn how to dance.

2. A Future Wedding

Yes, you should have a wedding in your future to start working on your wedding dance.  But hey, this article is called "Get A Head Start...." so I guess you really don't need a wedding day set. 

Bottom Line: The earlier you start, the more natural you'll look. 

3. Interest In Elevating The Experience

A great wedding should be an experience.  Not just for you, the future bride and groom, but for your guests.  Choosing to perform an elegant Waltz, smooth Foxtrot, or your version of the True Lies Tango scene - you are providing that experience that people will talk about for a long time to come.  

3 Things You Don't Need To Start Your Wedding Dance Lessons

1.  You Don't Need... Dance Experience

It's perfectly normal to let a lack of experience stop you from walking in, but Arthur Murray is a school built on a supportive community of people who want to learn.  Whether it is experience, rhythm, or natrual predisposition to ballroom dancing - this is a dance lesson myth, and we listed a few more in this article:  6 Myths About Dance Classes. 

Bottom Line:  Since people make progress quickly, the students aren't very far removed from their first day walking in. 

2.  You Don't Need... Wedding Music

You do not need your wedding music selected to learn how to dance.  Now, if there's a special song that was playing when your fiance proposed - by all means, use it.  Not having a song picked out, however, should not stop you from starting your dance lessons. 

Bottom Line:  No music?  No problem.  Your instructors can help you pick a great song that will fit your style and dancing. 

3.  You Don't Need... A Perfect Schedule

Waiting until the timing is perfect will keep you waiting a long time.  The Arthur Murray studios in the Bay Area have been working with crazy schedules since the beginning of crazy schedules.  It doesn't need to be perfect for you to get things done.  

Bottom Line: You don't need to have specific days set aside every week until your wedding day.  All appointments are arranged to fit your schedule. If pre-set times on specific days works best, great.  If not, we can manage.  

Final Thought

This is strategic.  The long game.  The big picture.  Starting early with dance lessons ensures that you're not taking shortcuts. Skimping on the timeline only adds stress and limits your opporunity to have a great moment on your wedding day, and a bunch of dance moments leading up to it.  

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Chris Lynam
Chris Lynam loves to train his staff, read to his kids, make his wife laugh, and write. This screenwriter turned dance teacher is the Editor in Chief of Arthur Murray Live and has been published in the HuffPost, Forbes, .INC, and The Sporting News.
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