Are those tennis shoes you've been wearing not cutting it lately? It may be time to invest in your first pair of dance shoes.
There are plenty of online retailers to choose from, but that may not be the best place to start. Ballroom dance shoes don't generally match your street shoe size. For instance, you may normally wear a size 8 but may find that you'll have to wear a 7.5 or even a 7 in ballroom shoes. The best thing to do is visit a local retailer; even though online has a huge inventory, by visiting a store you will have a better idea of the fit. You will also want to make sure your new dance shoes have suede soles not leather soles. Leather soles tend to be slippery whereas suede will provide you with some grip.
As tempting as it may be, step away from the glittery 3 inch heel Rhythm shoes. I know what you’re thinking: “I wear heels all the time, these will be no problem". There is a distinct difference in the structure of Rhythm shoes (open toed heels) and your fabulous Manolos in the closet. Dance shoes are meant to be pliable and move with the flex of your foot. It's not that you can never buy those sparkly shoes; they’ll just take some getting used to, because you may feel a bit wobbly in them at first. That's why the best shoe to buy first is a "practice" shoe, or if you are partial to the open toe look you can buy a pair with a low heel. Practice shoes are universal and can be used for all your dance needs in the studio. Another option, if you just have to have a heel, is a Smooth shoe (closed toe), these have a little more structure and can be used in both Smooth and Rhythm dancing. When it comes time for your first event, you can consult with your instructor on what shoes will be best.
Lucky for you the choices are pretty simple: Latin or Smooth heels? Latin shoes have a 1.5 inch heel, while the Smooth shoes will have a heel like the dress shoes you’re used to buying for a special occasion. Survey says: go for the Smooth heel. You can use this shoe for both your Smooth and Rhythm dancing. The Latin heel, for most men, is awkward because they are not used the heel (unless you were a member of the Beatles), and this heel can be very slippery when you dance Smooth. Lastly, stay away from the patent leather and go for the matte leather. Patent leather looks fancy but when your feet rub together they catch and can cause a stumble, not fun when you’re looking to impress your partner with your leading skills.
The universally important thing is to find shoes that are comfortable. Just keep in mind they are meant to fit sung on the foot as they will stretch. Don’t be discouraged if you have to go through a few pairs to find the right one for you, most novice dancers have to discover for themselves what they like in a dance shoe. Once you find the right shoe you won’t even know how you danced without them.
For a list of local and online retailers ask your teacher or studio receptionist, they’ll be happy to start you on the right path.