The Benefits of a Coaching Lesson
Taking a coaching lesson isn't just for the professionals.
Yes, as a matter of fact, working with an Arthur Murray consultant is one of the quickest ways to make leaps and bounds in your dance progress.
Here are just a few of the benefits.
1. Expert Teachers
Arthur Murray consultants aren't just expert dancers (they are), but they are only invited to work in your school because of the way they teach. Expert communicators, that happen to be magnificent dancers, make for expert teachers.
2. Short Term + Long Term
A dance consultant can cover everything from cleaning up your current moves, to high level technique, and everything in between. Each coach you work with should have a specific role to play to fit what's important for your program.
3. Wisdom and Understanding
Every coach is like a wise wizard on your dance journey. They have traveled Arthur Murray far and wide, seen every corner of the dance galaxy, and can give you a clear, outside perspective on the progress you're making.
4. Kick Start Fun Projects
Think of a consultant as like a fun member of your family that comes during the Holidays. That's when you pull out all the board games, use the fine china, and have a great time. A dance coach can act as a catalyst for some fun projects, like routines, that may not have been a part of your day to day programming.
Want to learn a little more about the Arthur Murray Consultants visiting your studio? Take a look at our Consultants Page and read the bios of some of your favorite coaches.
If there's someone we should add to the list, leave their name in the comments below!

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