Your Dance Lesson Shopping List
Considering dance lessons but not quite sure where to start?
Look no further than your regular trip to the grocery store. As much as we'd love to announce that we've developed a dance pill located between the vitamins and the cough medicine on aisle 8, alas - this is just a well thought out dance lesson analogy to grocery shopping.
Nevertheless, let's get shopping.
In this article we are going to look at the dances you'll want to have included on your dance lesson shopping list.
1. Milk, Eggs, and Meat - The Essentials
As any experienced shopper knows, these items are located in the back of the store, and are the expected parts of your shopping errand.
Dance Equivalent
Your dancing is built around three tempos of music, Slow, Medium, and Fast, which is why the Rumba, Foxtrot, and Swing serve as your essential trio.
2. Fruits and Vegetables
Located on the far right or left of the store, fruits and vegetables are important for a vitamin-rich diet and healthy digestion.
Dance Equivalent
There are two dances that are loaded with technique (balanced diet) and offer an immediate spillover effect to other dances (digestion). They are the Waltz and Tango.
Waltz develops the posture necessary for all dances, regardless of style. It naturally enhances your posture, develops incredible balance, and adds a layer of graceful movement much sooner than one would think.
Tango is a confidence factory. Dancers that may be timid in their Lead and Follow are slowly transformed by the assertive stride and dramatic character of the dance.
Unfortunately, both of these dances can sometimes get overlooked when presented on the surface (just like vegetables), but those that try them see the immediate benefits.
3. Ice Cream
Let's not kid ourselves, there are all sorts of goodies you can throw into your shopping cart after you've finished your regular shopping, but ice cream is at the top of the list. Not to mention... you've earned the right to pick up a pint (or three) after all that hard work trekking around the grocery store.
Dance Equivalent
We're looking for dances that are both trendy (Ben and Jerry's latest flavor) and time honored classics (Dreyer's Rocky Road). For this we're going to add the following: Bachata, Zouk, and Salsa.
Each dance is as sexy as it is popular, you know... just like ice cream.
4. Candy
The impulse section of the store is, of course, where you're most likely to wait the longest - the checkout line. That's where those with an empty stomach, or short on willpower, will succumb to the sugary temptation.
Dance Equivalent
This has less to do with a particular dance and more to do with how you approach your lessons. Often times, people wait until the very last minute to sign up for dance lessons.
Maybe it's a wedding, a vacation, or a date where last minute dance skills are absolutely necessary.
Unfortunately, that hectic dash to absorb dance skills can take the enjoyment and effectiveness out of the experience - like eating nothing but candy.
Final Thought
I'm sure you're wondering what the dance equivalent to canned soup, breakfast cereal, or angel hair pasta is, but alas, we're keeping our shopping list streamlined and simple.
When it comes to grocery shopping, you can't sit at home and expect your cabinets and refrigerator to refill automatically (yet). Just like you can't expect to sit at home, procrastinate, and still become a great dancer.
The sooner you make your move to the grocery store, or your dance studio, the sooner you can enjoy all the wonderful recipes for both.