Dinner and a movie, dinner and a movie, dinner and a movie.... repeat.
The fast casual restaurant and the movie industry love your dating routine, even the lineup is less love, and more routine for you at this point.
Not to worry, we've got you covered.
7 Ways to Add Dance Lessons To Your Next Date Night
This might sound like a bad commercial, but there are a lot of couples these days that are using dance lessons as a way to reboot their date nights with great success. So we've shared some ideas that many of our students have used to do just that.
Just like dinner and a movie, there are plenty of options, and feel free to choose the one that fits your relationship.
Now before we dip in to the possibilities of an active dance dating lifestyle, it's important to note that you can learn How to dance in the same amount of time it would take you to learn A Dance. So don't feel, for a second, that you have to choose only one of these options.
1. The Sophisticated Couple
Feeling fancy? Nothing pairs better with a candlelit dinner and roses quite like the Waltz. It's the most elegant of all the partner dances, and in the same way that an elegant evening can easily lead to romance, we suggest Rumba as a nice compliment to your elegant, turned romantic, evening.
2. Blues Bar and Blue Jeans
Some nights you may want to trade in the candlelit dinner for bar food, and the champagne for a Budweiser. It's like your favorite pair of blue jeans got to pick the date night. Your dance for a night like this would be Swing served three ways: Jitterbug, East Coast Swing, and West Coast Swing.
Jitterbug is commonly referred to as Single Step Swing, or Rockabilly Swing. It covers any uptempo Swing, Blues, or Rock music.
East Coast Swing is your all purpose dance. It can blend into anything from big band to pop music, and it's commonly used for nightclubs, weddings, and office functions.
West Coast Swing is a slower, more sultry version of swing. While it can be danced these days to everything from funk to r&b, this dance is tailor made for soulful blues.
2. The Mystery Couple
Adding a little bit of mystery and a dash of intrigue can add new perspective even to the most mundane date nights. For this night out, the evening will be centered around the provocative and bold Tango. This should be paired with a restaurant with adventurous food, spontaneous displays of public affection, and a fine wine - preferably from South America.
Tango, or sometimes referred to as "American Tango", is a dance that is powerful, dramatic, and travels the room in bold, sharp, and sweeping movements. This is a dance where your date night fortune will surely favor the bold.
Argentine Tango is a sexy, nightclub rendition of Tango. More compact, yet not lacking at all for movement, the Argentine Tango exchanges the sweeping movement for more intricate footwork, complete with legs wrapping, flicking, and, otherwise, mesmerizing any onlookers.
4. Spice Things Up
As a dance couple, make the pact now that you will never have a margarita night without Salsa, Merengue, and Bachata lessons. Not only will you be able to dance in the bar while you're waiting for your favorite pitcher of South of the Border deliciousness, but getting the courage to try Salsa dancing won't require quite as many pitchers moving forward.
Salsa has been the most popular partner dance over the last 15 years. There are Salsa clubs in most major cities around the world, and for good reason. The music is exciting, the energy is positive, and the Salsa provides a momentary escape South of the border.
Merengue could be the signature dance of a Carnival Cruise ship. It's simple, fun, and is designed to get your heart beating, and the party started.
5. Sweet Romance
After a night of dinner, there's nothing like a dance interlude to set up a great romantic dessert. We like to call this pairing "Sweet Romance" because we combine the most sexy and romantic dances like Rumba, Bachata, and Zouk with your favorite post-lesson dessert spot.
Bachata is one of the most popular latin dances over the last five years, and, oh... by the way, it's incredibly sexy.
Zouk takes the sweeping movements you might see in a ballroom dance, but pairs it with movements reminiscent of Salsa. The result is yet another great option for having some quality time face to face.
Rumba is the ultimate slow dance. It's a new slow dance operating system that makes your high school sway side to side dancing seem as ancient as a payphone. If you needed only one slow dance to use forever, this is your dance.
6. Post-Work Meetup
Sometimes all it takes is a little dance time together to help you break free from the tethers of work. Schedule your lesson to fall into your commute time home, meet, dance, and come home together. Quality time can't begin until you've detached from the stress, switched your work brain to silent, and can enjoy the moment with the person across from you.
7. The Anytime
Maybe you're both parents and are looking for a fun hobby to escape to, or you're tired of your time together being centered around the television. Learning to dance can make any afternoon or evening a date... and a fun one at that.
Developing a dance partnership is a fun and healthy way to add a skill that you can use anywhere, and a connection that will last a lifetime.
Final Thought
Take that Dinner and a Movie.
Let's be honest, Dinner and a Movie is a longstanding institution. There's nothing wrong with either activity, all we want to present is that it isn't the only activity. Ultimately, we need to be honest about the point of date nights to begin with - it's to connect.
To ditch the distractions of kids, work, and Candy Crush, and spend time together that is more than just being near each other, watching a screen, or eating food.
Dance lessons can do that, and there will be plenty of food and movies you can catch up on after you dance Tango together.
Are you ready to give dancing a try? Whether you're wanting to learn with someone special or just for yourself, you can start with a free private lesson to see why Arthur Murray has been the leader in ballroom dance instruction since 1912.