With 2020 in our collective rear view mirrors, there are plenty of reasons to make a comeback with your dance program at Arthur Murray.
But we, at Arthur Murray Live, have boiled it down to five, rock-solid reasons why you can, and should, make your comeback and not put it off any longer.
1. Muscle Memory is a Beautiful Thing
Your brain may send an alert immediately upon reading this. "There is absolutely no way" it'll say. But here's the thing, muscle memory is your most faithful ally when it comes to your dance hobby.
It is the Sam to your Frodo, the peanut butter to your mental jelly, and it will bail you out of more (sorry) jams than you even realize.
You see, the Arthur Murray curriculum is built with redundant, muscle memory security systems in play. There are layers upon layers of inter-related learning and one activated mental pathway unlocks another. Like the seven alarms you set for an early flight, your dance program has multiple routes to reactivation thanks to the work of your trusty friend, muscle memory.
2. Safe and Secure
Take a minute to think about where things were exactly one year ago today. If that happens to fall somewhere in the realm of (the year which shall not be spoken very often) 2020, there's a 99.999% chance that things are far better in the overall optimism department than they were back... you know, then.
That being said, we are in a far better place with vaccines, mask orders, and a general awareness of Covid and the steps necessary to safeguard against it. The staff at Arthur Murray Dance Studio are not just professionals in a high touch service industry, they had to become students of how to best deliver a high touch experience in the safest possible way.
Returning to your dance program means that you will be in the safest, cleanest, hands, following every guideline, while leading you back to the dance hobby you love.
3. Shape Up
On the bright side, last year will go down in history as a time when the entire world worked together to stop the spread of Covid. It won't, however, go down as the year where we followed the best diet and exercise routines.
That's where dancing comes in. Returning to your dance lessons isn't just great for your social life or dance step inventory, it's great for your physical well being. Dancing is fun enough that it doesn't register on your brain's exercise detection radar the way a treadmill might.
While a 90 minute session at the gym may seem like a tall order, 90 minutes of dancing feels like fun. The bonus? It's also great exercise. You can burn 300-600 calories per 45 minute lesson, learn something, and socialize in the process. There aren't any treadmills that can offer that.
4. Social Refueling
If socializing was fuel, all that distancing put so many of our tanks on empty. Now think of Arthur Murray as your social service station, ready to fill your tank with premium social experience fuel, that will leave you energized and connected to your dance community.
5. Make Up For Lost Time
Think of how many things you had set aside for fun or leisure that were postponed due to the year which shall not be named. If the pandemic caused our fun time to ebb, then now is the time to let the fun flow.
Whether that means taking a vacation you put off for too long, having that wedding reception, or taking some extra dance lessons; it's time to make up for some backordered fun... and with interest.
So maybe go for something bigger than what you may have planned. Why not? This could be your year to finally try a dance competition or perform that disco routine with an afro wig. We may have all made drastic changes over the last 18 months, but who's to say you can't make some drastic improvements in the fun and leisure department moving forward?
Final Thought
Even if it's been years since taking dance lessons, or if it was just an idea that never fully blossomed, the professionals at Arthur Murray have helped countless dancers find or discover this wonderful, and life-changing, hobby.
If you're looking for any more proof, consider this article, these words right now, as a cosmic sign that there are more dance goals in your future. Contact us today and we can help you seek out and soak up every available dance moment moving forward.