Your Dance Program is Exactly Like the Justice League
One of the essential parts of being a super hero is that you can call on others to join forces in the face of danger. Just like the Justice League, your dance program is designed to help you face any threat on the dance floor - defending truth, justice, and the Arthur Murray way.
Here are some examples.
The playboy billionaire of Gotham. He goes after criminals with high tech gadgets, and always exits with a swagger. Mysterious and swarthy, he is always showing up at the perfect moment ready to take out the bad guys.
Dance Equivalent: Foxtrot
Just like Bruce Wayne responds to the bat signal, your foxtrot can always be called upon to save the day. Ladies love it, men want to dance it. Looks great at any high class function and is essential to your dance program.
He comes from a foreign world of mystery and mythology, and is disguised as mild mannered Clark Kent. Using his laser vision and insurmountable strength, he is the first to defend the helpless, and save his paramour, Lois Lane.
Dance Equivalent: Tango
Just like Superman, Tango starts out in the background, hiding behind the camera. When called upon though, Tango is impressive to watch, and will quickly earn the respect of your dance partners and friends alike.
Alfred Pennyworth
The Old Faithful. A former secret agent, Alfred may not have super powers, but he is the essential right hand man. He cooks, cleans, manages Bruce Wayne's social calendar, and keeps the bat cave in working order.
Dance Equivalent: Waltz
Distinctively elegant, the Waltz is just like our reliable British butler. It supports your other dances, strengthens your frame and topline, and always looks good in a tuxedo. Waltz is a dance that can enhance every other aspect of your program by focusing on your posture and balance, and is a class act on any floor.
Wonder Woman
The Princess of the Amazons, Wonder Woman uses her lasso of truth and her boomerang tiara to stand up for justice and quality. She is strong, confidence, and a welcome change of pace from her brooding male counterparts.
Dance Equivalent: Rumba
Like Wonder Woman, Rumba is a necessary part of any dance program. Attractive and romantic, this dance is just as comfortable on an island paradise as in an elegant party.
The Flash
Barry Allen was covered in chemicals and struck by lightning resulting in his powers of super speed. Despite his humble roots, Barry is a founding member of the justice league, with his amazing speed and brains often saving the day.
Dance Equivalent: Cha Cha
You don't need to go as far as chemicals and lightning, but Cha Cha often starts out as a secondary dance for many students. Once you achieve your "super speed footwork", this dance will morph into a fun, fast, essential part of your dance repertoire!
This mysterious crime fighter has the ability to live and thrive in the depths of the ocean, as well as on land. Born of an unlikely romance of an Atlantean Queen and a lighthouse keeper, he is a jack of all trades that can adapt to an ever changing world.
Dance Equivalent: Swing
Born of a marriage of big bands and pop culture, this dance bridges the gap between ballroom and "bar room". You can use this dance to all different speeds and styles of music, making it one of the original super heroes of the dance floor.
Final Thought
Sometimes, stepping onto the dance floor can feel like charging into battle unarmed. The best thing you can do in the face of danger is to assemble your team of dances, and their various super powers.
Sometimes a cool costume helps too.
Once you learn to utilize the strengths of your program, you will be an unstoppable force on any dance floor.
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- Image credit:
- Justice League
- Batman
- Superman
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Wonder Woman
- The Flash
- Aquaman