12 Dance Upgrades for Your Postponed Wedding Day
So about that 2020 wedding.
By this point in the year of the wedding-day postponement apocalypse, you're hopefully over the shock and can take some consolation in knowing that most of the other nearly married types are in the same boat.
As wedding dance specialists, we are right there with you, but the good news is that there are some great options to consider now that there's more planning time for your big day.
And just for the record, unlike all your favorite shows, movies and maybe even your wedding, you won't have to wait until 2021 for the fun to start.
1. Teaser Videos
Now that the wedding date has been pushed back it's time to get creative. One of the best ideas we'd like to share is to treat your wedding dance like a Hollywood Blockbuster.
Specifically, teaser pre-marketing videos.
Give people a glimpse of what you're working on. With apps like Tik-Tok and Instagram, you've got a mobile friendly production studio to showcase your big dance.
Bonus Points: Use each teaser segment as part of a video highlight reel the day of your wedding.
2. Dance Diary
Building on the video idea, behind the scenes content is all the rage. If you think of any great movie, concert, or show you've ever fallen in love with - you'd gladly consume any bonus features that are included.
Why not your wedding dance?
Let's be real, if you're taking dance lessons for your wedding, your guests are going to fall in love with your performance, so why not give them a little behind the scenes action?
Enter the dance diary. Take selfie videos before and after your dance lessons. Mix in a little footage of your skills coming together. Interview your teachers and repeat. Then hire a video editor, send them the footage and have them cut together the best 5 minutes.
Everyone loves watching a transformation, and this footage will certainly beat out re-watching people eating dinner at your reception.
Bonus Points: If you decide to make a dance diary, send us a copy and we'll comp you a lesson.
3. Mother & Son Dance
Sometimes in the mad dash scramble of wedding planning, you have to prioritize yourselves over others (after all, it's your day). This can mean that the production value of things like the mother/son dance are less than ideal.
Not anymore.
With the pandemic postponing weddings around the world, you can use this time to get both Mother & Son and Father & Daughter some well deserved dance lessons.
Bonus Points: Is commuting an issue? No problem - with Digital Dance Lessons, we can get you and the parental units dancing in no time.
4. Partner Switch
Speaking of production value, let's talk about an idea that may take a little practice but can be incredibly effective:
A Partner Switch
Imagine doing the Father/Daughter Dance at the same time as the Mother/Son Dance, then you switch partners so Mom & Dad are dancing together, and you and your new spouse are too.
Switch again and it's back to the original pairings.
Bonus Points: With dances like Swing, Rumba, or even Salsa - that can be a great way to liven things up and add a fun, unexpected element to this area of the reception.
5. The Money Dance Done Right
Historically speaking, the Money Dance is a fun and quirky part of an otherwise elegant day.
With a simple dance like the Foxtrot or the Merengue under your belt, you can give each new partner a quick lesson to get them up and moving on the dance floor.
So, while most people are pinning some cash for a 30 second dance with the bride or groom, your guests will be getting a little dance lesson - talk about a good deal!
Bonus Points: Not many Money Dances can give someone a return on their investment like this one can.
6. Snowball Dance
Taking a page out of the Arthur Murray Dance Party playbook and try a snowball dance. This is done when one couple starts a dance on an empty floor and then separates to ask two more people to dance. The process is repeated until the entire room is up and dancing.
Bonus Points: This is a great way to get the dance floor filled back up after dinner, cutting the cake, or toasts and speeches.
7. Wedding Party Dances
With more time available, why not add some dance skills to your wedding party? Not only would this serve as a great wedding party gift, but this helps to incorporate your wedding party in a fun group activity leading up to the wedding.
Bonus Points: They're already in matching outfits so a group performance will look great.
8A. Wedding Party Intro Dance Off (Larger Wedding Party)
Each groomsman and corresponding bridesmaid are introduced on either side of the dance floor.
Choose which side will go first. Each will do their own signature dance move for 8 beats of music one at a time.
Then both will repeat their moves together for 8 more counts.
They join hands and bow for the next two 8 counts while the next pair takes their places to repeat the process.
8B. Wedding Party Intro Partner Up
Similar to #8A, each member of the wedding party is introduced on opposite sides of the floor.
They'll each begin with their own signature move but here's where the big reveal takes place.
They'll come together and dance a salsa, bachata, swing, tango or any other popular partner dance.
Depending on the size of your wedding party and time availability, you may want to limit each mini dance performance to 30-60 seconds.
9. Switch Up Routine
When it comes to wedding routines, there are times when the idea and the timeframe just don't link up. Not anymore!
If you want to create a wedding dance that will get jaws to drop and people on social media to like, share, and comment - then a Switch Up Routine is the way to go.
The Details: You start with a boring slow song. Sway side to side like a middle school dance and then another song pops on and - wham! You put on an impressive dance routine.
10. Classic Royalty
If you want to go for something that is as timeless as a tuxedo and gown, look no further than a Waltz. The music can range from soulful to cinematic and the dance will command people's attention.
11. The Unexpected Flare
If you wanted to really shake things up, then the Tango is your dance. It makes a bold and unique statement, to say the least, and works great as a jaw dropping first dance, or a surprise encore.
12. The Best Way to Look
Regardless of the dance, the music, or the choreography... the best way to look as a performer is like someone who has been dancing for a long time.
Fortunately, you won't need a time machine or a ten year engagement to achieve that look.
We can create that by building muscle memory. Through a custom tailored dance program, your Arthur Murray instructors can teach you to dance instead of just a dance. This ensures that all of the technique, posture, dance frame, and style is there on the day of your wedding... and every day after that.
Final Thought
We've seen far too many great wedding dance ideas fall to the "editing room floor" due to time constraints. So, even though it is an unfortunate year for weddings, this could be a blessing in disguise.
Your social calendar has never been clearer than it is now, so why not fill it with something that works as a date night, a workout, and wedding planning all in one shot?
Just use the link below and we can get you started: