We've all been there.
We make a list of resolutions with the same level of seriousness as the wink and eye-roll when you tell your spouse that Santa bought them the new Dyson vacuum for Christmas. We are crossing our fingers and guilt-eating chocolate by Valentine's Day.
If each resolution you made was a separate vitamin, how easy would it be to forget a few? Now, what if we could package those 5-7 resolutions into one, all purpose, Multi-vitamin resolution.
Learning To Dance Is A Megaresolution
Studies have shown that, of the people that make resolutions, only 8% admit that they are successful at them. It's amazing this tradition has lasted so long with such poor results. This lousy resolution statistic begs a few questions:
- Are we dreaming too big?
- Are we just bad at them?
- Are we making them while wafting through the ether of New Year's Eve?
Probably. Or, let's consider that maybe... just maybe our list is too big. The University of Scranton's Clinical Psychology department assembled the top 10 resolutions of 2014, and keep in mind the important statistic:
An 8% success rate.
The Solution: Make It A Combo
We decided to take those top resolutions and use Learning To Dance as a the binding agent, the Megaresolution.
"Learn Something Exciting"
Ballroom dancing is both fun and creative. Every day you can play a different role - complete with a Spanish alter-ego. It's the universal language of music and movement that operates as your all-access card to any dance floor in the world worthy of your presence.
"Staying Fit & Healthy"
You can crank out another failed gym membership this year, or you can do the best exercise hack out there - dancing. Your body registers that dancing is fun, but does not register it as work or exercise until after you've passed out. More fun = more exercise = SCORE!
"Enjoy Life to the Fullest"
There are two things at work here
You can have a great job and a great family, but still feel like you are missing something (hence “the fullest” - and this is, without a doubt, the backstory of the movie Shall We Dance)
People tend to enjoy things (to the fullest) when they stop saying no to opportunities
Learning to dance has this down in spades. No other hobby could have you looking forward to your second cousin’s wedding reception or office party more.
"Spend Less & Save More"
We junk, or donate, more gadgets and gizmos that were supposed to make us smarter, healthier, and happier. Take half of that and put it towards your dance program (use the other half on dance shoes). Case closed.
"Getting Organized"
Have you ever wanted a personal assistant? How about one whose sole purpose was to get you to the promised land on your New Year’s resolutions?
Pretty great right?
Even better, they’ll have charts, graphs, and a foolproof curriculum to follow. All you’ll need to do is schedule your first appointment with them, and they’ll assess all of your dancing, er, New Year’s resolutions needs.
"Lose Weight"
Burn up to 300 calories per lesson? Enough said.
Final Thought
Six resolutions, just there for the taking. Hey, if all else fails, you'll just become a good dancer. Most people find that they get much more than that though. Worst case scenario is you run into your ex-personal trainer at the coffee shop and have to explain why you're in such good shape without him. At that point, we highly recommend that you refer him to his local Arthur Murray Dance studio to make a Megaresolution of his own.
Are you ready to give dancing a try? Whether you're wanting to learn with someone special or just for yourself, you can start with a free private lesson to see why Arthur Murray has been the leader in ballroom dance instruction since 1912.