Lovey-Dovey is Easy-Breezy With Dance Lessons For Couples
Being of a certain age, I find myself continually considering how I use my time and resources. Living the best quality life possible, at all times.
I recently noticed an article generated by AARP (yeah, yeah, I know...) headlined,
"9 Ways to Fall Back in Love: With a Few Simple Changes You Can Get That Lovey-Dovey Feeling All over Again."
I was intrigued because I have always felt dancing = romancing, and I was curious to see what the current "mature buzz" included as secrets to happiness.
The Benefits of Rekindling the Fires
We have heard for years that people in good marriages experience better overall health and live longer, and it is true that making any relationship work takes time and attention.My grandmother often said, "people always look and think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. If they would just water and tend to their own yard, it would stay pretty darn green."
Genuinely liking your life partner is essential.
Finding the Time for Quality Time
We get so busy with the process of making life happen.
It can be easy to overlook enjoying common interests, being positive, and supportive to one another, verbalizing your appreciations, and probably, most importantly, just spending quality time together.
Yes, that means we need to tend-to building romance. We need to seek out fun, and perhaps that means learning something new together.
The Mystique of a Married Couple
So many things factor into good relationships. Warm, affectionate touch, laughter, intrigue, excitement, and even a little adventure.
There is something mystical about a married couple. Those people that have years together, and the subtle ways they communicate.
Their life has been lived side by side. So much of their interactions are intuitive. They can tell, just by physical proximity, how the other person is feeling. They notice, albeit subconsciously, if their partner catches their breath, if they change their position, posture, or alter the way they move.
So when you take these people and place them in front of each other, and use all of the accumulated natural nonverbal communication skills they have developed over the years to teach them to dance....
Something magical happens.
Intimacy like you have never seen, and a new romantic adventure they can both embark on and enjoy.
They are, once again, face to face, looking into each other's eyes, laughing at the small new things they are trying to learn on their dance lessons. They are encouraging each other and remembering why they like each other. Their ingrained intimacy is brought to life in a whole new way on the dance floor.
And maybe the best thing? Ah come on... everybody like to be "that couple" on the dance floor: The romantic ones, the stylish ones, that couple that is still so in love after all these years.
AARP may not have said, "go take dance lessons at Arthur Murray," but something in my intuition says that that's precisely what they meant.
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