Meet the Arthur Murray Live Author Team: Racheal Marie
Racheal Marie recently joined the Arthur Murray Live authors. Here's her interview, and a brief introduction to one of the newest contributors to this blog.
What is the AMLA? The Arthur Murray Live Authors is a collection of writers with a first hand connection to Arthur Murray. Ultimately, their unique perspective, voice, and location will help to add more content and context to this website.
AML: How did you first get started with Arthur Murray?
RM: As a student. I was a scholarship student for almost four years and went to several competitions. I loved the study of dance and made the switch to teaching when my studio (Arthur Murray Arrowhead) asked me to. It was an exciting change in my life and has led to many positive things years down the road.
AML: What were you doing, work wise, before you started with Arthur Murray?
RM: I used to be a Massage Therapist, specializing in Pain Management and injury/surgery rehabilitation. It was very physically demanding. I was a therapist for ten years.
AML: What's one thing that you wish more people knew about Arizona?
RM: I think people should see Havasupai Falls. It's just incredible. The most beautiful places are found in some of the most desolate areas.
AML: Thank you for being a part of the AMLA? What kind of articles are you most interested in writing?
RM: I'm so happy to be here. I tend to enjoy writing about why we love dance, and what it means to us on an emotional level. The impact of our body's movement with the sound of music, the tone and story set by both are a beautiful and fascinating thing. It's something I'm always trying to capture.
AML: Every write has a sort of style, or personality, to the way they express themselves - how would you describe yours?
RM: Ironic. I tend to see things in a candid and pondering kind of way and I try to write like that. It feels more genuine that way.
AML: If there was an article that completely fixed a problem for your current, or potential, students - what would the headline be?
RM: "Comparing yourself successfully: How to look up to better dancers and become more like them". Our students become very inspired to be high level competitors or teachers, but are often struggling with their confidence and being way too hard on themselves. We spend a great deal of time working to keep those powerful emotions channeled into positive outlets before they can fester into negative competitiveness.
AML: If you can, share what being in this group means to you, and how might that impact the readers.
RM: Its great to be a part of this larger network of authors in the ballroom world; sharing our art in yet another medium is a wonderful thing to capture the interest and excitement of students everywhere.
Final Thought
Stay tuned for articles from Racheal Marie as she contributes her unique voice and great perspective that every Arthur Murray student and professional can benefit from.
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