Salsa Club 101: The Basic Stuff You Need to Know
You're off to a great start.
You know that Salsa is a hot dance, a hotter social activity, and now you want to get prepared to hit the club. Chances are, that means you're going there planning on dancing, and so here's what you'll need to know to get ready.
1. Calling it a “Salsa Club” is false advertising
Salsa Clubs don’t just play Salsa music.
So when people say they are going “salsa dancing”, what they mean to say is that they are going to dance salsa, bachata, mambo, merengue, cha-cha, and some obscure latin dancing flavor of the month that originated in some town with a hard to pronounce name.
That’s what "salsa dancing" means. It's a general term for a bunch of dances you can do when you go to a Salsa Club.
2. Your Dance Lineup
You're going to need to have some comfortable social dance skills in a few dances. Here are two options to go with. Keep in mind, the band or the DJ really call the shots, so the more tempos you can dance to, the longer you'll be able to stay on the dance floor.
The Big Three hits the three most popular tempos at the club, covers the majority of the popular latin music out there, and will keep you dancing the majority of the time.
The Ultimate Six includes three mid-tempo dances that offer plenty more versatility to your nightclub dancing, and also your overall dance development. Rumba, for example, is a pillar for developing latin dance technique.
All of these dances not only relate with each other but utilizing the Arthur Murray Interrelated system, they can unlock material in other dances not listed here.
3. Size matters
You would never open an umbrella inside a subway car, so why would you take up more space than that umbrella on the dance floor?
When it comes to nightclub dancing, it is absolutely critical that you are economical with your movement. This is trickier than it looks, but developing your balance, footwork, and dance frame will help to keep your momentum from getting out of control.
No one wants to dance like a bull in a china shop... or dance around that person either.
4. Get on the floor and stay there
The goal is to get on the floor and stay as long as possible.
Remember, you’re learning how to dance to become more social, so you might have the best luck by asking someone who is already on the dance floor.
Sure, it will always seem more awkward when you’re starting from the sideline, but once you’re on the floor, you’ll be surrounded by dancers and the options get easier and easier.
Note: Don’t ask anyone who isn’t dancing for advice… otherwise they’d be out there dancing themselves.
5. More turns = Happy partners
You don't need to know 100 moves to be a good dance partner.
Keep this in mind: if your partner is looking at the same wall for more than 3 moves, then she’s looking for a new partner. So, the remedy is simple - when in doubt rotate, or give her a spin.
So whether that is:
"BASIC + BASIC + TURN" or "BASIC + TURN + BASIC" keeping it within the rule of three will keep your partner from leaving early.
6. Simple is Smooth
You will never get points for what you attempt, only what you execute… smoothly.
Take whatever precautions you can to avoid moves in a “live environment” that you haven’t already tried with your teacher (at your local Arthur Murray Dance Studio).
This isn’t diving where you’ll get extra points for attempting a more difficult move. Your salsa club partner wants to feel taken care of with a nice variety of movements that are easy to read.
So instead of doing the salsa equivalent of twister that requires a triple turn, a lift, the splits, and a doctor’s note - try opting for more hip action with solid fundamentals.
You’ll see. While Mr. Fancy Moves is getting his partner an ice pack, you’ll be settled in to your new-found regular spot on the dance floor.
Final Thought
Clean basics are always a great place to start.
Once you've started your lessons, tried a few Practice Parties, and worked on things like style, technique, even eye contact, your teacher will let you know when you'll be ready to hit the club.
And for every second you're out there, just know that you could still, very easily, be one of the people on the sidelines.
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