Meet the Arthur Murray Live Author Team: Sarah Carlin
Like many others, Sarah Carlin started her Arthur Murray journey on a whim. But in her case, that turned a career that spanned over a decade, and a passion for the company that hasn't stopped. She joins the AMLA with a passion for making dance accessible to anyone, which is plainly evident in the following interview.
What is the AMLA? The Arthur Murray Live Authors ("AMLA") is a collection of writers with a first hand connection to Arthur Murray. Ultimately, their unique perspective, voice, and location will help to add more content and context to this website.
AML: How did you first get started with Arthur Murray?
SC: I first heard about Arthur Murray through my sister who was teaching at a studio in Plano at the time. She asked me to come try it out for about a year before I reluctantly took the leap. I packed two suitcases and moved to Texas, walked off the plane, and into the studio.
I fell in love pretty immediately.
AML: What were you doing prior to working for the company?
SC: I had just gotten a Massage Therapy Certification and was actively auditioning for Ballet companies in New York City. I finally got offered a job in a company, but decided against pursuing that world any further. A week later I was on that plane to the Plano, Texas Arthur Murray Dance Studio.
AML: For those few people that don't know, just how special are the franchisees there - Claudia Marshall and Zack Stevens?
SC: Sigh, I know my words will not do them justice, but Claudia and Zack are the most generous, gracious, good hearted people.
They run their studios with dedication, heart, and a desire to see all their people succeed. But it doesn't stop with "their people" in Texas. They consider all "Arthur Murrayans" to be theirs, so they have given so much of their time and life to help the company as a whole improve and succeed in giving thousands of students an amazing, outstanding experience.
They were amazing to work for and I was incredibly blessed to have fallen into their laps.
AML: Eventually you had to step away from the company. What prompted that and was that difficult for you?
SC: After a little over a decade, I had to step away from the company, yes. This was, and still is, one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. I welcomed my first child in 2014, which was a wild ride all on its own, and about three months after that, my husband accepted a job far away from my home Arthur Murray studio. From that point on, I chose to stay home with my family and give them my best. Every day I miss Arthur Murray and all the wonderful people I met through the company. I am so grateful I have those experiences to miss though, and I look forward to sharing the joy of it with many more people.
AML: Where has life taken you now?
SC: For now, I am still at home with my two toddlers (2 and 3). I also work for a local law firm managing their social media and blog. I teach dance classes of all kinds, mostly to children and for community colleges and retirement homes. I am teaching a couple fitness classes, which I love, because it incorporates my dance background. I also model, and I choreograph for musicals on stage. Oh, and I think I have a PhD in changing diapers and using a crock pot.
I love to work, what can I say?
AML: What Arthur Murray skills do you feel have helped you the most professionally?
SC: Basically, I just want to say that Arthur Murray skills are like ninja skills. I feel like I was a wee babe in interpersonal relationships and communication until Arthur Murray skills snuck up on me. So, yes, the time spent on learning effective communication has helped me in all areas of my life. Learning to plan programs and make big things happen by breaking them down into bite sized pieces has been a n invaluable skill in many areas of my life. But really, Arthur Murray Skills are all about caring for people. Taking care of and caring about the things other people care about, I believe, not matter what you are doing, these skills are necessary for success.
AML: Thank you so much for being a part of the AMLA, how did you react to being invited into the group?
SC: My honest, first reaction was, "Did Chris make a mistake? Does he realize I am not with the Arthur Murray organization anymore?" But then I was still hopeful that you meant to invite me. When you confirmed you weren't losing it I was so excited. I think I sent you a couple of messages of just "aaaaahhh" and "Thank You!"
AML: Any ideas on the types of articles you'd like to write?
SC: Man, I am so excited about everything that helps people understand the Arthur Murray process. I am really passionate about helping teachers and students alike create a real human experience. How to get the most out of any experience. I love making things simple and fun. So, to make it simple, I'd like to write SO MANY articles.
AML: What do you hope to achieve by sharing your work on Arthur Murray Live?
SC: I hope to raise awareness of what Arthur Murray is doing for people on a global level. I hope to help "bust the myths" about what dancing, learning, and Arthur Murray are all about. I hope to take foreign ideas for some, and relate them to things everyone can understand. I hope readers will find my writing to be entertaining and helpful.
AML: Sounds great! Speaking of messages, you have mentioned that you are a bit of a creative writing nerd. Just how nerdy are you when it comes to the written word?
SC: Bahahahahahaha! You'll have to read my articles to find out.
Final Thought
Tony Bennett famously sang, "I left my Heart in San Francisco", where no matter where he roams, the city by the bay will always be his true home. We believe Sarah left her heart at Arthur Murray. She may not be, technically, employed by the company, but her Arthur Murray spirit has never left her, and never will.
We're looking forward to her articles and she's a wonderful addition to the Arthur Murray Live Authors.
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