The 10 Scariest Things About Taking Dance Lessons
There are, without a doubt, much scarier things we could be talking about.
The movie IT, or just clowns in general, will definitely cause more nightmares, or hours of therapy, in comparison.
But that's not to suggest that starting dance lessons isn't a daunting, sort of scary, activity for everyone mulling it over or on the verge of their first appointment.
But, for the record, and if it's of any comfort for you, it is a lot less scary than clowns.
The following is a list of some scary dance lesson related moments, why they might be scary, and what you can do to take the fear out of them.
1. Admitting You're Not a Good Dancer
If you think about it, this isn't an easy thing to do, and if you're exceptional in other areas of your life - admitting you need help may stop this activity before it can begin.
Fear Not!
Everyone starts as a beginner at some point. Arthur Murray, the man himself, was once a total beginner and designed his dance program for normal people who were new to dancing.
2. Filling Out the Form
If #1 didn't stop you, then this one may give you pause. Admitting something to yourself is one thing, but sharing that via an online form creates a digital record of the problem.
Fear Not!
All form submissions are sent directly to the Arthur Murray administrative staff who are the first point of contact for every new student in the studio. They are highly trained professionals and will ensure that your goals or concerns are handled with the utmost care.
3. Walking Inside
There's a moment in some comedies where the main character walks into a party, the record skips, the music stops, and everyone stops to stare with harsh judgment at the newly arrived person. That's a real fear for many would-be students when they consider walking in for the first time.
Fear Not!
Arthur Murray's wife once said, "the hardest step you'll ever learn is the first one through the door." Understanding that every professional on staff, and student taking lessons, can empathize with those feelings, and will greet you in a way to eliminate any concern you may have.
4. The Idea of Other People Being There
One concern is the idea of other people being present when you arrive (outside of your teacher). Other people equals more eyeballs studying your movement, finding your flaws, and creating even more potential for a dance catastrophe.
Fear Not!
All eyes can't be on your lesson because there will be other lessons, conversations, and activities going on. Think of it like visiting the Apple Store - you've got an appointment, but there's a general hum of activity to keep it private.
6. Perception of an Evil, Uncaring Teacher
There's a common stereotype of a dance teacher, wearing some stretchy leotard, a beret, foreign accent, and hurling insults at you in between dramatic puffs of a cigarette.
Fear Not!
Arthur Murray instructors are incredibly nice people and are some of the best customer service professionals you will ever meet. Plus, berets, leotards, and cigarettes don't comply with the dress code.
7. Damaging the Dance Floor Somehow
There's a common fear that the wood floor can become damaged in some way by street shoes, shoes of people who don't dance, or some variation of the two.
Fear Not!
The floor you see is not made of lava, it will not splinter or crack when you step on it, and shoes of all shapes and sizes have tread across it.
8. Offending the Teacher in Some Way
Maybe there's a point where your dance teacher realizes that you are, in fact, an absolute beginner, and are learning at the slowest rate in the history of dance instruction.
Fear Not!
Think of teaching as human technology. In our industry, that tech began in 1912 and it has only been improving since. So the fact that you are a beginner is no problem for the teaching tech of today. No offense taken.
9. Friends Finding Out
Often, a cause for concern, or mortal fear, is the idea of friends or family discovering this newfangled interest in dancing. Whether that comes in the form of private ridicule or public shame, this could inhibit someone from taking their first step.
Fear Not!
There may be friends that you may want to avoid telling right away, but over time, your ability to get up and dance can immediately silence any speculation, or give you an activity to enjoy so you can avoid negative people.
10. Excessive Cost of Lessons
Sometimes the fear can be financial. That, as wonderful as learning to dance can be, it is an expensive hobby.
Fear Not!
Learning to dance does cost money, but it is something that you should try in stages. So begin with a trial lesson, then explore an introductory offer. Like any other personal service-oriented activity, you get what you pay for. So if you can see and feel the value of the activity, you can decide what is the best fit for your finances.
Final Thought
It's amazing what can happen with a little perspective. After all, we've all had our fair share of moments where something looked scary in the dark, only to find something harmless there with the light on.
Now, it would be fantastic if this article eliminated all the fear, filled you with certainty, and was the only "light" you needed.
But that's probably not the case. In fact, that's exactly why Arthur Murray starts you out with a trial lesson. It's totally free and designed specifically to eliminate any mystery about the process, and myths about your ability.
While we can't do anything about the clowns, we can say with absolute certainty that the fear you had will fade away and you'll wonder why you didn't try it sooner.
Want to give that free appointment a try? Follow the link below, take a bold step, and you can be dancing within 24 hours.
Image credit: IT (original)