Arthur Murray Live Wedding Dance Tips

The cake flew up, his pants fell down
On the slow dip I went faster.
My dress was caught, in my satin heel
Oh, wedding dance disaster!

Our Dirty Dancing recreation
Began as such a dream.
One little slip, and our wedding dance
Was covered in butter-cream

We got up quickly, we stood right up
Back to dancing, we made haste.
With all the chaos, I almost forgot
His pants well below his waist

He kept on dancing, with a waddle
I turned all shades of red.
But there he was, my frosted hero
With cake stuck to his head.

He wasn't worried, in the least
With his pants below his knee.
How is this possible? how does he do it?
As he fixed his gaze on me.

He winked an eye, he rolled me out
People laughed, and yelled, and cheered.
My dancing hero, could not be stopped
By yellow frosting in his beard.

Our wedding party engulfed us quickly
The pants were belted back in place.
By having fun, and holding on
We enjoyed our caked disgrace.

He pointed to our defunct dessert
"with no cake we'll all be thinner!"
While they were laughing, he whispered softly,
"thank God it's rehearsal dinner."

In Closing

If your wedding day is the party you've always dreamed of, then shouldn't your first dance get the same treatment?  Anyone can learn to dance, regardless of age, ability, or "left-footedness".  Put our 100 years in dance instruction to the test with a complimentary wedding consultation today. SIGN UP FOR A FREE LESSON

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Chris Lynam
Chris Lynam loves to train his staff, read to his kids, make his wife laugh, and write. This screenwriter turned dance teacher is the Editor in Chief of Arthur Murray Live and has been published in the HuffPost, Forbes, .INC, and The Sporting News.
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