Arthur Murray Live Wedding Dance Tips

most-important-wedding-dance-trendThere was a time in wedding dance history, when the question was totally different.

Back then, in the ancient days before Dancing With The Stars, Uber, and your current smartphone, it was always, "should we do a first dance at our wedding?"  

Today, the question has become, "what kind of dance should we do at our wedding?"

So let's take a look at how the landscape has evolved in the first dance department, what you need to know about the current trend, and how it will help you leading up to your big day. 

The Most Important Wedding Dance Trend Of 2015

The Beginning of The Trend

When Emmitt Smith won the trophy on Dancing With The Stars, signed on to be a corporate spokesperson for Arthur Murray, and continued to learn how to dance - there was a seismic shift in the dance world.  

Guys were becoming more and more open to dance lessons.  



Wedding Result:  

The First Dance started to include more Foxtrot, Cha-Cha, and Rumba instead of swaying side to side to an R. Kelly slowjam. 

The Evolving Trend

With YouTube becoming the second most popular search engine, the growth of sites like Pinterest, and with the rising popularity of Wedding Planning shows on cable - couples began to have access to new and creative ideas for their wedding.  

Wedding Result:

Wedding Dancers started becoming more creative with their First Dance, their entrance dance, and their "Just Kidding! We actually were just pretending to slow dance to R. Kelly" dance.  

The Trend Today

The most important trend we have noticed with wedding dances today is... TIME! Couples are starting early, in some cases over a year before their wedding, to become comfortable dancers.  

The results have been incredible. 

5 Benefits Of Starting Your First Dance Early

1. Muscle Memory 

Think of things you can do on auto-pilot:  Driving, brushing your teeth, eating a burrito.  Now imagine if dancing fit into that category.  

2. Stress Relief

Learning to dance for your wedding can, literally, be one of the only stress reducing parts of your wedding plans.... if you start early.  

3. Hobby/Date Night

How many of your current hobbies are actually making your wedding better?  (Let's see... skeet shooting, Texas Hold'em, Fantasy Football?)  One of the most positive byproducts of this early start wedding dance trend is that engaged couples can spend some quality time together, working on the wedding, without it being a chore.   

4. Enjoyment

Couples that put things off can lose the enjoyment of their wedding day, and the time leading up to it.  The further out you begin, the more enjoyment dancing can bring before, during, and after your wedding. 

Father/Daughter Dance?  No problem.

Money Dance? Bring it on! 

Dancing on and after the honeymoon? You better believe it! 

5. Creative Vision

With more lead time, even the most creative ideas can become a reality at Arthur Murray.  When time is limited, the ideas need to be scaled back, and no one wants to tell a future bride that she can't have something on her wedding day.... like, no one.   

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Chris Lynam
Chris Lynam loves to train his staff, read to his kids, make his wife laugh, and write. This screenwriter turned dance teacher is the Editor in Chief of Arthur Murray Live and has been published in the HuffPost, Forbes, .INC, and The Sporting News.
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