Sometimes the barriers we experience are self-imposed.
Nothing could be more true than the common phrase "I can't. My wife's a much better dancer than me." Like a celebrity that hears "are you that actor in that one movie?", dance teachers hear this all the time.
The good thing? We've got plenty of solutions... and hope.
Why Your Wife is Not a Better Dancer Than You
The Assumption: Better Dancing Wife
"My wife has great moves, rhythm, center of gravity, and she's also much better looking than me, so she is a way better dancer than I am."
The History
As if the mental barrier to entry with dance lessons wasn't challenging enough, this statement seems to be the nail in the coffin for many guys considering this hobby.
After all, dancing can easily be seen as a female dominated activity. It creates a perception that females receive all the available dance DNA within our species, which only perpetuates the myth that dancing is inherently feminine, and that men should focus on more activities that are deemed "manly" (see: power tools and chopping wood).
Nothing could be further from the truth.
This isn't to say that your wife isn't a good dancer. Heck, she could be an all-time great on the disco floor, but the purpose of this article is to understand that her skills are a good thing, her skills actually help your cause, and they should never, ever be a barrier to entry for this hobby.
The Good News
1. Not Breakdancing
This is ballroom baby! It's like the doubles tennis version of dancing. Even better, you're on the same team.
2. Rock Your Role
You each have your own specialized role, like offense and defense in football. In the ballroom world, that's referred to as "Lead and Follow" and if you want to read more about the nuances, responsibilities, and incredible benefits of learning that skills, here's an article all about leading and following.
3. Her Moves = Your Benefit
The fact that she's got great moves only strengthens your dynamic, as in... she just makes you look better.
The leader (you) is there to show off the follower (her) and how you look together is what matters most. So it's pretty normal for the follower to get a lot of attention, which can keep you focused on your responsibilities. Almost like a publicist, your wife is the star, and your job is just to get her talent in front of as many eyeballs as possible.
Final Thought
Ballroom dancing has come such a long way in pop culture. However, there are too many women who complain that their husbands don't want to dance with them.
The barrier to entry isn't based on skills, Arthur Murray created a product that is built for people who have never danced, so what is the real barrier?
Usually, it's myths just like the one we explored in this article, which, hopefully, won't stop you from taking the next step to level up in the husband department, while you level up on the dance floor.
If you're ready to take the first step towards dance skills, we recommend starting with a free private lesson. This way you can see why Arthur Murray is the studio and curriculum trusted by people, just like you, since 1912.